How to Ask for a Raise


Asking for a raise can be a daunting task, but it’s important to remember that it’s a normal part of any job.

If you’re feeling undervalued or underpaid, it’s important to take action and ask for the compensation you deserve.

In this article, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to help you prepare, set up a meeting, deliver your pitch, handle objections, negotiate, and follow up after your meeting.

By the end of this article, you’ll be confident and ready to ask for the raise you deserve.


Before you ask for a raise, it’s important to prepare.

This means researching and gathering information on your company’s financials and industry standards for similar positions.

This will help you understand your own worth and have a clear idea of what you want to ask for.

It’s also important to understand your own value to the company.

Think about the skills and experience you bring to the table and how they contribute to the company’s success.

Setting up the Meeting

When you’re ready, approach your boss and schedule a meeting to discuss your raise.

It’s important to be confident and assertive when setting up the meeting.

Choose a time and location that is convenient for both of you, and make sure to clearly state the purpose of the meeting.

Delivering your Pitch

During the meeting, it’s important to present your case effectively.

Be clear and concise when communicating your reasons for asking for a raise.

Provide examples of key points and evidence to support your case.

This may include your skills and experience, the value you bring to the company, or the fact that you’ve been performing well and meeting or exceeding expectations.

Handling Objections and Negotiating

It’s normal for your boss to have questions or concerns about your request for a raise.

Be prepared to handle common objections such as budget constraints or the company’s performance.

Remember to stay calm and professional, and be open to negotiation.

It’s important to find a middle ground that works for both you and the company.

Follow Up

After the meeting, it’s important to follow up with your boss.

Thank them for their time and consideration, and ask for an update on their decision.

If your request for a raise is denied, don’t be discouraged.

Ask for feedback on what you can do to improve your chances in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions on Asking for Raise

Here are some questions and answers on asking for salary raise:

How do I prepare for a salary hike conversation with my boss?

Research the going rate for your position in your industry and location, and prepare a list of your accomplishments and contributions to the company to present during the conversation.

What is the best time to ask for a salary hike?

The best time to ask for a salary hike is typically during your performance review or when your company is doing well financially.

How do I approach the conversation with my boss?

Approach the conversation in a professional and respectful manner, highlighting your accomplishments and contributions to the company, and explain how a salary hike would benefit both you and the company.

How do I negotiate a higher salary?

Negotiate a higher salary by highlighting your qualifications and experience, providing concrete examples of your contributions to the company, and being open to compromise on other benefits or perks.

Should I mention other job offers during the conversation?

Mentioning other job offers can be a powerful negotiating tool, but use it carefully, because it can also backfire if not done correctly.

What if my boss says no to a salary hike?

If your boss says no to a salary hike, ask for feedback on what you can do to improve your chances in the future and ask for specific goals and a timeline for when you can discuss the salary hike again.

How often can I ask for a salary hike?

It’s generally best to wait at least a year before asking for another salary hike, but it also depends on the company’s policies and your performance.

How do I handle a salary hike conversation remotely?

Prepare the same way you would for an in-person conversation and use video conferencing tools to have the conversation with your boss.

Is it appropriate to ask for a salary hike during a pandemic?

It is appropriate to ask for a salary hike during a pandemic, but be sensitive to the financial challenges that your company may be facing and be prepared to discuss how a salary hike would benefit both you and the company.

What should I do if I feel uncomfortable asking for a salary hike?

If you feel uncomfortable asking for a salary hike, consider finding a mentor or coach who can help you prepare and practice for the conversation.

Is there a right way to ask for a salary hike?

There is no one right way to ask for a salary hike, but it’s important to approach the conversation professionally, highlight your qualifications and contributions, and be open to compromise.


Asking for a raise can be a daunting task, but with preparation, clear communication, and persistence, you can increase your chances of getting the raise you deserve.

Remember to be confident, assertive, and professional throughout the process.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to confidently asking for a raise.

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